
Hi, I’m Phill

I work as a Principal Investigator at CyberCX (Klein & co.) in Australia. I also am an instructor (FOR500/FOR528) and course author (FOR308) with the SANS Institute. You can find my upcoming teaches here.

My other (more popular) website is This Week In 4n6

I needed a place where I could share my research independently of that site.

Thoughts and opinions here are my own and not those of my employer

Turns out I’ve been mentioned in some books!

  1. Windows Forensic Cookbook – By Oleg Skulkin and Scar de Courcier
  2. Hands-on Incident Response and Digital Forensics – Mike Sheward
  3. Investigating Windows Systems – Harlan Carvey

* If anyone would like to share content and doesn’t have a place to do so then reach out and you can guest post

Also I will absolutely accept donations if you want to support my work!.